The  Superannuation Executive Remuneration Tool (SERT) was created in order to allow a quick comparison and market scan of executive remuneration within the Australian superannuation sector. It is important to note that this data should be used with caution, and should you require more complex information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Data Collection:

The data used in these tools was collected from the publicly available executive remuneration disclosures within the annual reports and remuneration reports produced by  Australian superannuation corporations.

Adjustments to data:

In order to allow for effective comparisons certain individuals were removed from the data:

• those individuals who were not employed in the relevant position for the full financial year 
• those whose primary responsibilities lie outside Australia 

Additionally, position titles were consolidated into general categories, (e.g. a position titled “GM, People and Culture” would be consolidated into the “Human Resources)” category, a position titled “Head of Marketing and Business Development” would be consolidated as “Marketing”, and a position titled “GM, Strategy, Transformation and Technology” would be consolidated as “Technology)” if there was already a strategy specialist.) 
If you wish for more specific information on any position please examine the “Position Title” column. 

All remuneration information was rounded to the nearest integer.

Techniques applied:

The remuneration data was first consolidated into three categories, Employment Cost (EC), Short Term Incentive (STI) received, and Total Employee Cost (TEC). Please note: 

• EC is inclusive of both superannuation, non-monetary costs and base salary. 
• Incentives only include cash incentives that were not deferred. Leave accruals and share based incentives were therefore not included. 
• Differences in reporting styles may lead to variations in what is included in and as such some caution should be used.

Error Correction

If you believe that there is an error present in the table please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please be as specific as possible so that we can resolve the issue swiftly.